The next Conference of the Quaker Studies Research Association will be held 28th June 2025
The theme will be Quakers and the Spirit
Book here:
The theme will be Quakers and the Spirit
Book here:
Quaker Studies is multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary.
Quaker Studies feeds into and from theology, history, philosophy, politics, sociology, anthropology, womens studies, peace studies, literary studies and cultural studies. The Quaker Studies Research Association (QSRA), formed in 1992 and with an international membership, is the umbrella organisation for all those studying, teaching, researching or connected with research into one of the areas of Quaker Studies. With the Centre for Postgraduate Quaker Studies at Woodbrooke, the QSRA holds an annual conference, hosts the George Richardson Lecture, and oversees the David Adshead Scholarship for new postgraduates. There the fully-refereed journal, Quaker Studies, is published by Open Library of Humanities twice a year. All journal subscribers are automatically members of QSRA: you can join by subscribing to the journal HERE.